Who I AM

I grew up in an open, spiritually focused family  that provided perfect growth and strong grounding in Divine Principles.

My spontaneous awakening in autumn of 1978 brought tremendous joy and I began channeling simultaneously.  The guides who introduced themselves to me at that time are Hraj, Belishe, Arishniqa, and Arak Meshima.  They are deathless, living masters who are my companions, mentors, protectors, and teachers.  Since that exhilarating beginning, I’ve channeled many other “guiding light beings”.  And I’ve worked intensely and extensively with self-hypnosis, meditation, and creative manifestation techniques since 1978 as well.

My entire life has been devoted to Spiritual Truth and the development of consciousness. Because I grew up in a family whose main focus was on spiritual principles, family members were my first teachers.

Immediately following my awakening, I began channeling, which included not only information, but drawings and poems as well; the information given to me was about multidimensional reality, the Universe, Earth, consciousness, and the Human Energy Field, so  I began a study of the human as a system of energy.  My teachers impressed me more than anything else in my entire lifetime.  They were hilarious, they loved me beyond anything I’d ever experienced to that point, and they somehow managed to get and hold my full attention.  No one else ever had.

My children and I left the sunny beaches of California in April 1983 to live on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, where we stayed until fall of 1986.  Having begun in earnest while we lived in California, my interest in health and healing fully blossomed on the Rosebud.  It was there that I met a medicine man at a ceremony he was doing. His name was Robert Blue Thunder.  One day I told him sarcastically that, if he was a “real” medicine man, he would fix my problem!  Rolling my sleeves up, I showed him my arms.

Following the birth of my youngest child, I had received several extended rounds of antibiotics for a nosocomial staph infection contracted during the hospital stay at her birth.  Yet after a full year of medical treatment, the infection was systemic.  My skin looked as if I had smallpox and I could barely stand or walk anymore.  People shied away from me.

To my absolute astonishment, the next morning, dried up scabs began falling off and my energy returned.  That day, my interest in healing was carved in bedrock, becoming one of the most important aspects of my life.

From the time all this began in 1978, through the years on the reservation, until autumn of 1992, I kept quiet about these experiences. I was a busy mother of five. And…I joyously held membership in a church where I was determined to remain. I could not explain to others what was happening to me when I didn’t understand it myself. So…for a time, I lived in fear. I did not want to be excommunicated.

Looking back now, it interests me that I chose not to share what was happening in my life.  Intending to risk neither my church membership nor the ostracism which was certain as soon as I went public, I simply kept quiet.

In 1992, again in autumn, I set off in a different direction on a new path that led me directly to Reiki.  We moved to Mesa AZ.  One day I received a call from a church friend, Marsha, who told me in no uncertain terms that there was a woman in town visiting her family, that I “had to” meet.  Not open to this and adamantly resisting at first, after nearly a week of Marsha’s “encouragement” which took the form of constant nagging, I finally said, “Give me her phone number.  I’ll call her.”  About ninety seconds into that first conversation with Belinda, I knew I was going to learn Reiki and spend every moment possible picking her brain!

My youngest daughter and I studied Reiki together and in March 1993, we received Usui master level attunement on the same day.  In fact, all our attunements were on the same days; we were always processing in unison!

Following our first level attunements, having been instructed to drink lots of water because most people go through some release of toxins, we experienced intense clearing in a state resembling what I’ve been told a coma is like; for three days we lay on our living room couch, mute.  We were conscious of holding hands.  Aware of touch and sound, we could not speak, nor did we move for about two days.  We had extreme fevers.  We simply lay together in silent awe.  There was no mortal person present except the two of us and we definitely were not involved in mundane activities!  I do recall struggling very hard at one point during the third day to make it to the bathroom and back to the couch we shared.  What I mostly remember is being taught “in the spirit”.  There were teachers/masters who were clearing our bodies, physical forms and energy, constructing/reconnecting neuronal pathways,  and instructing us in Divine Principles at the same time.  The only thing I’ve ever read that seems similar to our experience is described in the Book of Mormon, in Alma chapters 18 and 19.

Angela and I spent 13 months in Arizona practicing Reiki every waking moment.  We met many wonderful people.  Belinda was always available to answer our questions and share her insights with us.  She loves teaching as much as anyone ever could.

Recently I’ve begun to reconsider that long ago decision to keep my experiences private.  Perhaps I was lacking courage, lacking faith, or lacking both.  The result of not going public is that I never reached out to others I might have assisted, befriended, and taught.  I now wonder how many people there are whose lives I might have enriched by simply sharing and using the divine gifts entrusted to me.

My focus today is on ascension, personal perfection, and the Oneness of every sentient being.  We are all this Universal Life Energy!

So…here I AM.  I cannot go back.  I begin again here and now, in this moment, where I AM, to share these gifts freely with those whose paths I cross.  It is with utmost love that I share who and what I AM.

© Molly Silfies and ChiCreation, 1978-2078. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Molly Silfies, ChiCreation™, I AM Reiki™, Ascended Master Reiki™ and/or OnenessReiki™ with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Published on 8 December 2009 at 4:57 AM  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Beautiful, I really enjoyed reading your journey to reiki and your energy which I feel right through the blog x


  2. […] Source: Who I AM […]


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